中国人如何申请伊朗签证?人在菲律宾如何申请伊朗签证?欢迎咨询我们了解更多,微信BGC998 电报小飞机 @BGC998 优先咨询电报免验证直接咨询。 添加请主动告知咨询事宜 谢谢。



伊朗签证申请材料Materials for applying Iranian Visa 旅游签证Tourist Visa:1. 护照原件(六个月以上有效期)Original Passport(more than 6 months validity)2. 一张两寸白底彩色照片  One piece of two inch photos with white background3. 签证授予通知Visa Grant Notice 商务签证Entry Visa1. 护照原件(六个月以上有效期)   Original Passport(more than 6 months validity)2. 一张两寸白底彩色照片One piece of two inch photos with white background3. 签证授予通知Visa Grant Notice4.如果有返签号,需提前致电使馆确认返签号,然后登陆evisatraveller.mfa.ir填写个人信息并打印签证提交通知(Visa Submission Notice)  If you have a reference number, please make a telephone call to embassy to check the visa reference number. If it is received, go to the website to fulfill all the information and print out the Visa Submission Notice.5. 公司中英文派遣信加盖公章Dispatch letter with company stamp in both Chinese and English version 学生签证Student Visa1.护照原件(六个月以上有效期)Original Passport(more than 6 months validity)2.一张两寸白底彩色照片One piece of two inch photos with white background3. 签证授予通知Visa Grant Notice 工作签证Work Visa1.护照原件(六个月以上有效期)Original Passport(more than 6 months validity)2.一张两寸白底彩色照片One piece of two inch photos with white background3. 需提前致电使馆确认返签号,然后登陆 填写个人信息并打印签证提交通知(Visa Submission Notice)Make a telephone call to embassy to check the visa reference number. If it is received, go to the website to fulfill all the information and print out the Visa Submission Notice.4. 公司中英文派遣信加盖公章Dispatch letter with company stamp in both Chinese and English version 记者签证:Press Visa:1.护照原件(六个月以上有效期)Original Passport(more than 6 months validity)2.一张两寸白底彩色照片One piece of two inch photos with white background3.记者签证申请表  Press application form4. 需提前致电使馆确认返签号,然后登陆 填写个人信息并打印签证提交通知(Visa Submission Notice)Make a telephone call to embassy to check the visa reference number. If it is received, go to the website to fulfill all the information and print out the Visa Submission Notice.5. 公司中英文派遣信加盖公章,内容需涵盖:通讯社简介、赴伊目的以及工作日程。Dispatch letter with company stamp in both Chinese and English version,including: introduce of the correspondent, indicating the purpose of travel and the intended program of work in Iran.  备注:Notice1. 各种类型签证都需要提前致电使馆查号预约送签时间,然后本人携带相应材料来使馆办理。   All kinds of visa should be checked by telephone in advance, and confirm the time for sending the materials to embassy in person.2. 请认真填写各项信息,如有不实,将给予拒签处理。  Please fulfill all the information carefully, if not, the visa will be rejected. 3. 签证费仅限刷卡。  Payment by bank card is acceptable.4. 签证受理时间:工作日9:00-12:00  Visa Acceptance Time: 9:00-12:00 in working days  签证咨询时间:工作日14:00-16:00  Telephone Time: 14:00-16:00 in working days5. 签证办理时效: Visa processing time:普通签证:五个工作日Normal: 5 working days加急签证:两个工作日Urgent: 2 working days 6. 签证费用:Visa Fee:*各种类型签证如做加急处理,费用将在原来基础上增加50%。*The fee for all types of visas will be increased by 50% if the applicant wishes it to be issued urgently.